This site is intended for members of the public, patients and their carers in the UK. The Cancer Insights Panel has been initiated, developed and funded by Pfizer Ltd.
A panel designed for patients, by the patient community
The Cancer Insights Panel's purpose is to listen to peoples’ experiences when being treated for cancer. There are non-clinical elements of care that impact both the patient and their family. We want to understand what went well, but also what could have been better.
We take the information we hear, and look for areas of improvement that will make a difference to patients and their families in the future. We also hope to find out about areas of best practice that we could share with the NHS and Patient Organisations.
If your life has been affected by cancer, you will have experienced first-hand where change is needed. Patients are at the heart of everything we do, we need to work together and act on your insights to help shape and transform the healthcare system in the UK.
We look for people who...
Can represent the needs of a broad range of people affected by cancer
Have a passion to improve patient experiences
Have experience of cancer either as a patient, carer, or relative
Are able to provide critical and constructive feedback
Have confidence to voice their own opinions clearly and participate in group discussion
Have the ability to listen and respect differing opinions
Understand the needs of equality and diversity
Are based in the UK
Are over 18 years of age
Been on a clinical trial or have a research background
Panel members
Prepare for each meeting by reading any relevant material required
Share their opinions and respect the viewpoint of others in the group
Ensure that discussion is helping to drive patient benefit
In return for your time
Pfizer will reimburse panel members for their time and relevant travel costs
Apologies, the application window for 2024 has now closed. We hope to be recruiting again later in the year, so please do keep checking this website for updates.
Occasionally we have other opportunities for people to advise on specific activities or projects, if you are interested in this please contact us using the button below.
This website is brought to you by Pfizer Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under No.526209 with its registered office at Ramsgate Road, Sandwich, Kent, CT13 9NJ,
VAT registration number GB201048427